Christine Goodman THE
HALLWAY you in two separate rooms with both doors locked— one side, a crisis one side, a condolence I am left in the hallway alone I want to hug you and hit you but I've been detached extracted today life is all waldorf
wallpaper and rug runner leading off to the me who decided to leave this
house because time is sacred I blow kisses back to my self they tumble down the corridor and turn into promises I would keep on a good day but today is not a good day today I stand in a hallway facing two doors that stare right back absorbing the hours,
absorbing my ache I am stuck at an impasse halfway between two sides of one person touching neither catching whiffs of cologne through the bottom of the
door I know you're on the other side of either door I choose but it is not up to me you are the only one who can turn the handle lift the latch so I weave poems out of carpet fiber and paisley attempt to convey the lonely expanse of a
hallway on days like today when you lock your selves away and I become bored because I've stayed too curious to leave and time doesn't seem so precious after all I can wait and watch nothing follow nothing in an endless cycle of loss wrapped in hallway swirls I lie down on the dusty rug to die a hundred times in dreams of rooms with fireplaces and laughter and your sweet, sweet breath! (Originally posted
November 3, 2008) To contact Christine
Goodman send an email to:
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